Do you know what Horhound is,and what is made out of it?!


Do you know what Horhound is,and what is made out of it?

!0 points to the person who can tell me.Hint it is something that is edible.

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1 day ago
cubcowboy: since you are a perfect speller,check and see that you spelled the word it ,wrong !! So smarty no points for you!!

1 day ago
Cub cowboy on the notice that came on my e mail it showed that you missspelled it ,wrong,but on the page that shows up for every one to see,it is spelled correctly,so hope apology is accepted!!

Answers: 1 day ago
cubcowboy: since you are a perfect speller,check and see that you spelled the word it ,wrong !! So smarty no points for you!!1 day ago
Cub cowboy on the notice that came on my e mail it showed that you missspelled it ,wrong,but on the page that shows up for every one to see,it is spelled correctly,so hope apology is accepted!! The plant is bushy, producing numerous annual, quadrangular and branching stems, a foot or more in height, on which the whitish flowers are borne in crowded, axillary, woolly whorls. The leaves are much wrinkled, opposite, petiolate, about 1 inch long, covered with white, felted hairs, which give them a woolly appearance. They have a curious, musky smell, which is diminished by drying and lost on keeping. Horehound flowers from June to September.

The Romans esteemed horehound for its medicinal properties, and its Latin name of Marrubium is said to be derived from Maria urbs, an ancient town of Italy. Other authors derive its name from the Hebrew marrob (a bitter juice), and state that it was one of the bitter herbs which the Jews were ordered to take for the Feast of Passover.

The Egyptian Priests called this plant the 'Seed of Horus,' or the 'Bull's Blood,' and the 'Eye of the Star.' It was a principal ingredient in the negro Caesar's antidote for vegetable poisons.

Gerard recommends it, in addition to its uses in coughs and colds, to 'those that have drunk poyson or have been bitten of serpents,' and it was also administered for 'mad dogge's biting.'

It was once regarded as an anti-magical herb.

According to Columella, Horehound is a serviceable remedy against Cankerworm in trees, and it is stated that if it be put into new milk and set in a place pestered with flies, it will speedily kill them all. Horehound is an herb. Very good for respiratory problems and colds. hint it's an herb and you spelled it wrong.

Since ancient Egypt, white horehound ( Marrubium vulgare L.) has been used as an expectorant .
horehound aromatic Old World perennial herb ( Marrubium vulgare ) of the family Labiatae ( mint family), naturalized in North America. it's a herb and is / was used to flavor sugar candy. Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) is a European wildflower that has become dispersed throughout the United States, and one of the most common naturalized weeds in southern California.

It's a type of mint.

Horehound candies are made from a boiled infusion of fresh leaves plus a lot of sugar. They're sold as a cough suppressant. Between you and me, I'd rather keep coughing. all i know is that it is a plant. i've only heard that name twice since i can remember, once in horticulture, and once now!!

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