I am writing a paper on why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I support breakfast, mainly because I need it to function. I'm a vegetarian, and breakfast contains some important nutrients. So please share your thoughts on breakfast. I'm serious, this will really help me. If you have any links, share them.
Do you eat breakfast?
What kind of foods do you eat?
Do you like breakfast?
Can you function without breakfast?
Anything else you want to add....
Thank you very much!
Answers: Source(s): Yes, I do eat breakfast, it is very important. I try not to eat a big breakfast though. A big breakfast seems to make me too full and want to go back to bed. I have juice, coffee, half a bagel or oatmeal. I think better with breakfast and want to work more. If I don't eat, I find after a while, all I do is think of food and when is lunch coming. Do you eat breakfast? yes
What kind of foods do you eat? eggs; waffles chocolate chip:] ;sandwiches; cereal; orange juice; milk; yogurt; bagels & cream cheese; butter & toast and very RARELY left overs
Do you like breakfast? yes
Can you function without breakfast? no >___< Yes we eat breakfast in my house - especially on school mornings. It might not always be breakfast foods but my girls must eat something or drink a glass of milk with a Carnation mix in it. We don't function well with out breakfast. I eat breakfast about 50% of the time. I don't really like breakfast foods. Most of the time 90% of the time, if I eat breakfast, it's leftovers from dinner the night before. This morning, I ate a couple mini quiches (almost real breakfast food) and a couple potato skins leftover from our football party. Once in a while I'll eat some boxed cereal. Rarely eggs. I can function very well without breakfast. It actually seems to slow me down a bit. (Maybe because of the food choices.) By the way, I am not overweight. Have fun with the paper. The term breakfast means to 'break' the 'fast.' Your body has been fasting all through the night, and it is important to put good nutrients into it, to give you the fuel you need to get you going. It has been proven that eating breakfast, makes one concentrate, and be more alert.
Yes, I eat breakfast, I eat yogurt with flax seed in it. I have green tea, and a glass of water. Sometimes I eat oatmeal with flexed or Special K with flax seed in it. I have always liked breakfast, and growing up, mom always had a nice breakfast for us prior to going to school. There were times that I skipped breakfast, in more recent years, but I would tend to eat more for lunch which I wouldn't do if I had eaten breakfast. I have also had what I call the 'shakes' by not eating, and my blood sugar drop. I have learned to eat smaller meals through the day, starting with breakfast, which keeps those jittery feelings away as well, and any lethargic feelings. Some people cannot seem to get breakfast type foods down, so they will skip it. You can eat any nutritional foods. Even a turkey sandwich, or cheese and crackers, etc. Just because it is your morning meal, doesn't mean it has to be what we normally think of as 'breakfast type foods.'
....and you are welcome very much :) yes i do eat breakfast
egg on toast
baked beans
i love breakfast
i couldnt function without breakfast i get to 2 tired on the way to work
i think breakfast is the most important meal of the day