Is this tempting?!
Is this tempting?
I went to an outlet bakery, where they sell overstocked bakery goods, and for $6 bought a fullsized devil's food cake, a box of 12 assorted doughnuts, a fullsized coffee cake, and a box of hot cross buns.
I'm not going to eat it all....just some of it. I will share the rest.
Does that sound like a good deal? They are all fresh. What you buy a deal like that? Would you be tempted to eat it?
Answers: That's a super deal. I would take some to work to share if I had all that, if I could keep my boyfriend away from it. yea it's a good buy. I buy all my baked goods at the outlet bread store. I would buy them and I would freeze what you won't be eating right away. If it's just yourself cut the cakes in to serving pieces and freeze in freezer bags. You can get some great deals at bakery outlets. They try to sell their stuff super fresh, but you can get day old items for a lot less and they still taste good. Stick them in the freezer! YES. yes! Sounds like you got a good deal. OHHHH yesss!!