Who thinks Frosted Mini Wheats needs more frost?!
Who thinks Frosted Mini Wheats needs more frost?
Answers: I think they do need more frost. Try the vanilla variety. They are frostier. I do! I like to suck off the frosting before I eat it Nope...what they have on them right now is too much. I will not eat frosted mini wheats...I stick to the spoon sized shredded wheat that has no frost. That way I can add just a bit of splenda to sweeten just a bit. MMMMM-good!
Frosted mini-wheats tooooo sweet! I totally think that they need more frost !
They have like NO taste in them . So that's why I never eat them . Haha . I do...never enough on there I cant STAND sweet cerial. I like plain cheerios in some strawberry yogurt. YES A LITTEL BIT MORE. not me. I eat the plain shredded mini wheats. There's waaaay too much sugar in packaged foods. I would rather buy plain and add to, using amounts that I prefer.