Cubed or crushed?!
Cubed or crushed?
crushed for me
Answers: Any drink with crushed is more mellow. It's better to drink. It's tastes better some how. Crused- Something about the way it makes EVERYTHING taste! crushed crushed!! i assume you ean ice cubed in water
crushed in margarita Crushed I LIKE BOTH IT REALLY DEPENDS WHAT FOR HAVE A GREAT DAY! Cubed, crushed melts too quickly and makes things taste watery. Hello:
Cubed Cubed for wine, crushed for soda, juice, etc... Love crushed. cubed... it takes longer to melt and doesn't dilute my drink Definitely, right?????????? :-) I like crushed ice. It makes any drink colder to me. cubed a majority of the time.........doesn't melt as fast cubed, easier to eat
**edit OMG i'm the only one that thought you meant pineapple
since its ice
its STILL cubed! crushed ice
crushed pineapple
cubed cheese Cubed when I am drinking water or a soda. Crushed if I'm eating ice. I'm an ice skater and I like it when the ice is smooth and glassy. LOL. cubed 4 me Crushed. I vote for crushed. Cubes get in the way. Crushed - - -if its in an alcoholic drink, crushed would be best for two reasons, if the person drinking wants to drinthe drink and not get trashed right away, they will sip more of the drink and enjoy it - if the person is looking to get drunk quick they will have more drink and be able to drink it down without the bi cubes getting in the way . Cubed. Crushed crushed crushed Crushed Cubed..............CAT crushed Crushed