Whats the best way to cut cheese (literally)?!
Whats the best way to cut cheese (literally)?
I like to cut squares from a block of cheese and eat it on a cracker as a snack. I usually cut it with a sharp knife in my hands. The squares are never even, it doesn't cut very easily and I'm also afraid of cutting myself. Is there a better way? What is the best way to cut cheese into cracker sized squares?
Answers: A wire is a really easy and effective way of slicing cheese if a knife doesn't work out for you. I once saw this device that used a metal wire to cut cheese. It worked great. With a spoon or just use your mouth hehe Yup, the wire. Cheese sticks to most surfaces, so just make the cutting edge work and remove any blade that makes it stick. Viola, Wire-handled cheese cutter. First, don't use a serated edge-knife.
Use a sharp, long knife (butcher or bread knife does well), place on wooden board and put knife where you want your slice. Using two hands, push down on the knife (don't saw or rock it, pieces will become jagged and break) steadily until you hit the cutting board. Let fall down and continue on.
I attended culinary school. You need to get yourself a cheese wire as mentioned in your first answer. They're meant to cut cheese cleanly and precisely. Use a cheese block! or a wire knife and slice it more... there are cheese cutters available in the market that looks like a smaller version of a cake knife but with a slit. to use it, all you need to do is slide the cutter towards to and a piece of cheese will come out from the slit. no need to be afraid of hurting your fingers. Get a good 'cheese slicer' to cut 'slices' from your 'block' ... then using a good paring knife, you can 'cut' through up to five slices to make your squares. BE CAREFUL when picking your 'cheese slicer' though ... it should have a good solid 'roller' and a 'wire' to make the cut with that can be replaced if it breaks. And buy two if you get a good one, because you may 'want it' when a wire breaks and you want cheese but don't have any 'wire' to fix the old one. WHO CARES !!! JUST EAT THE CHEESE AND LOVE IT !!! ha ha ha Bring the cheese on room temperating by putting it in hot water and use knife to cut it. A few years ago, I got this wonderful cheese cutter from Pampered Chef. It's just a wire held taut by a metal rod, almost like a tiny violin bow with a single wire instead of the catgut. You determine how thick of a slice by the angle you hold it at, rotating it around the handle's axis. The rod slides along the face of the cheese. But anything with a wire will work. Once you have slices from your block, you can cut them to cracker size with any old knife.
Now if you want cheese to munch on, get your French fry cutter and use it on your block of cheese! I agree with the others about the wire but if you don't have one use a very sharp knife that has been heated in hot water.