Has anyone had tripe by choice for a meal and enjoyed it?!
Has anyone had tripe by choice for a meal and enjoyed it?
Answers: Absolutely! In fact, I think it's one of the most amazing foods ever. Sure, it's so hard to cook, and it is incredible hard to get rid of that sourness to it (lots of herbs), but lots of cultures have made it into fantastic dishes. I just returned from a study course in Florence and there they sell tripe like they sell hot dogs. It's amazing!
Additionally, lots of Asian cultures make tripe very well too. Some just steam it with some green onions/ginger/oil/S&P, others make it with more elaborate ingredients. Whatever the case though, it's still tastey.
True, it may seem quite gross to eat the stomach lining of a cow, but most taboo foods like this (among them kidneys, sweet breads, etc), are pretty fantastic in the end. Just have an open mind about it! personally, I don't like it, but my brother loves menudo. it is a soup made with tripe. my brother loves tripe and onions buys it every week yuk No, but I always poke a package of it at the grocery store when I pass by the meat section and wonder what the heck it is! I have tried chitlins, though, and I almost threw up! I have no idea...I saw it in the meats at the Groc. and thought "want the heck is that". When I asked and found out I said " I think I will pass and stick with chicken"! Nooooo!
My husband is from mexico and always trying to get me to appreciate tripe. No way.
I do know that other countries (like France and latinamerican countries) have really perfected the cooking of tripe, and have 4 different kinds of tripe. Their recipes are ruined when using the only ONE type of tripe sold in the USA: Honeycomb. Tripe it is what the name suggest but it is great to line your stomach people long ago ate it more often yuk!! good stuff!
i order it with my pho noodle soup. (vietnamese places)
it's awesome. im a butcher and i hate the look of tripe.....i wud never ever eat it!!!