Do you make your own icing for your cupcakes..........?!
Do you make your own icing for your cupcakes..........?
or do you just buy it?? I like both but homemade is way better :)
Answers: I hate to say this, but it depends on the occasion. If it's for something special (or someone special) I'll make some homemade buttercream icing.
If it's for a potluck or something like that, I just buy it. i like homemade too.. Home-made. There definitely is a difference - store bought icing even smells funny! Depends on time constraints and how much powdered sugar I have lying around. Powdered sugar costs a lot more than granulated, and it takes -so much- to make the icing. x.x It does turn out really awesome, though. Yah, homemade is better .. but when I'm lazy I just buy it :P yes Usually buy it because it's easier. i normally make it myself when i played with myself,if you know what i mean I don't want to spoil my home made by using canned icing. Home made icing is so much better tasting, doesn't have all those preservatives, and is so easy to make.
As far as saving time, it's MUCH faster for me to make icing than to drive to the store, pick out a can, go to the checkout and stand in line waiting to pay for it, then drive back home again. Homemade Yes, I do Nope Betty Crocker does . And some times her GF Hines to. I buy the regular icing, but if its white, I put food coloring in it for fun colors :) I hate making icing, its hard to get it perfect, at least for me. I buy the cheap kind in a can and embellish it. Ill add almond, vanilla or whatever I want to match the cake. Ive made orange using orange zest, a little ginger , a drop of food coloring, it was yummy.