What is your favorite type of Candy?!
What is your favorite type of Candy?
Give a reason why you like it.. and how it makes you feel when you eat it.
Answers: i have so many i really like
but cotten candy is my fav fav lol
i love when it melts in your mouth
i am happy when i eat it licorece
its just so chewy and it makes me feel like im just chill'n Skittles they have flavor blast and chew thats y i like um Chocolate, it makes me feel like a kid who just got a new dolly or teddy bear. I just love the taste of CHOCOLATE. Chewy candy, of course! I love chewing stuff because it doesn't just disappear instantly like chocolate or anything. It lingers a while and then fades off (not like gum which overstays its welcome lol). I dunno how it makes me feel, happy, i guess, cause it's so good. Butterfinger candy bars. I love the chocolatey, peanut butter crunch. The way it makes me feel? Like having another one. I don't have a particular favorite but this is what i think.
I like going to lolly shops and buying anything that is not common in Australia. They are always my favorite because i love to try new things. i like snickers, sour straws, and licorice i love the big chewy now and laters, i like chewy candy and now and later it makes me feel good when i eat them i love jelly belly beans! i think mainly because they have so much flavor!! and when i eat them its almost exciting. cause i never know what flavor i will taste next! ( : ABBA ZABBA!!!! Jolly ranchers, because they are sweet and sumtimes sour, but alwayz good.....they make me feel sumwat calm and relaxed because they take my mind off of things......I just luv jolly ranchers..... Regular, old-school M&Ms Payday candy bars, they're sweet and salty and they make my tummy happy ;-) Almost anything that's nice and appealing ! snickers it taste so good and it makes me happy when i eat it