Which is more expensive? soft shelled prawn or the hard shelled one?!
Which is more expensive? soft shelled prawn or the hard shelled one?
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1 day ago
do they make it on purpose by feeding it something or is it a different breed of prawn?
Answers: 1 day ago
do they make it on purpose by feeding it something or is it a different breed of prawn? Neither should really be more expensive, where they are from and how they are caught will have more of an effect on the price. I personally don't like the soft shell prawns as much as I find the meat to be a little mushy.
Prawns are much less common than shrimp, prawns are fresh water shrimp. The shells get softer as the molt much like snakes do. Source(s):
Chef for 8 years. Cooked professionally for 15 soft. it's a seasonal thing. they are soft because they are shedding their outer shell and growing a new one. the window for their season is short hence more costly. The hard shelled one because it came from a more expensive type of prawn