Can you buy Italian Flavoured Syrup in the grocery store?!
Can you buy Italian Flavoured Syrup in the grocery store?
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2 days ago
I mean like any kind of flavoured syrup, it doesnt have to be italian. But I am planning on making Italian Cream soda. and I need flavoured syrup, so I was wondering if I can purchase it in the grocery store. Can I?
Answers: 2 days ago
I mean like any kind of flavoured syrup, it doesnt have to be italian. But I am planning on making Italian Cream soda. and I need flavoured syrup, so I was wondering if I can purchase it in the grocery store. Can I? For Italian sodas? Yes, you can. They usually have it in the tea/coffee aisle. What flavour is Italian?
That was just a joke. Yes, you can buy the syrups at stores, I think a brand is called Torani.