Is Coke Bad For You?!
Is Coke Bad For You?
I have up to 7 cokes a day
Answers: Not to sound like a smarty pants or anything--but I have to ask you--is there anything about Coke that would make you think it's good for you?
It only stands to reason that if it's not good--then it's less than ideal for you.
7 Cokes a day --that's a whole heck of a lot of sugar --like a lot a lot.
Consuming regular (not diet) pop daily has two immediate negative side effects.
1. You're consuming a very large quantity of sugar---elevating your blood sugar several times a day which in combination with an equally poor diet could lead to diabetes as one gets older.
2. You're consuming a very large quantity of EMPTY Calories--If a person eats about 3500 calories more than they can use--they will gain about a pound of weight. An average adult femaile may only need about 1500-2000 calories a day to maintain a good body weight and good health....
7 Cans of Coke Classic A DAY TOTAL 980 CALORIES AND JUST OVER THE EQUIVALENT OF HALF A POUND OF SUGAR---273 grams of carbohydrates to be exact.
IN ADDITION---all this for zero nutritional value.
If you must drink pop--drink diet. There is nothing healthy in Coke - you really need to cut down. To much soda is bad for you.It has allot of sugar in it.A 12oz has 38 to 42 grams of sugar in it.To much sugar in your diet can make you a diabetic. Yeah, Coke is bad for you. Actually all sodas are bad for you. You're basically drinking sugar water and it wears down the enamel that protects your teeth and your teeth will fall out when you're older or, for you, since you drink up to 7 a day, maybe even faster. It's one of the horrors of drinking Coke. I only drink soda maybe once or twice a month.
You should try to cut it down, to save your teeth and your health. Too much sugar and calories is extremely bad for you. Well... If it loosens screws...