Right No Joke....Do Carrots Make You Go Orange? Cause My Mates Are Trying To Tell Me That If Yhoo Eat Them They Make Yhoo Go Orange?????????? Please Help x.x.x
Answers: well, yes and no. The large amounts of beta carotene can make a person have orangeish skin, but it takes a lot of carrots (or sweet potatoes or winter squash). Babies often get orangeish skin (mine did!) when they are eating a lot of jarred babyfood that has sweet potatoes or carrots as a main ingredient. But with adults, it is pretty hard to turn orange. I remember reading a blog of a girl online who was doing her own experiment by eating nothing BUT carrots for a full month to see if her skin would change color. I don't think it worked well for her, but if an adult is roughly 120 pounds and a baby is only 15 pounds, it would make sense that it would require a lot more carrots for an adult to change colors than a much smaller baby. It may be an old wives tale, but I also have heard that if you eat alot (I mean A LOT) of carrots, your skin can get an orange hue to it.... Yes they can, because your body absorbs the carotene which gives them the orange colour...... But only if you eat several tons of them, so I wouldn't worry. I have only herd of one person becoming orange, but this was because of the medication he was taking in conjuction with eating alot of carrots.
you have nothing to worry about
plus the fiber helps prevent digestive cancers.