Can you tell me a funny experience you had with a hotdog ??!
Can you tell me a funny experience you had with a hotdog ??
Answers: well let's just say I personally had no experience with a hot dog, but once in high school a girl I knew had one with a frozen hot dog and it thawed out. A doctor was later involved. I need not say more. i was at the bar a few weeks ago with my fiance and his friends sitting around a table when the cook brought us a plate of hot dogs in barbque friend took a hot dog and hit another friend upside the head with was funny at the time I wish I could,,,,,,, I had "the drink taken"(how unusual for me) I staggered up to this Hot Dog stall, managed to say I wanted a Hot Dog with onions and mustard. The man started roaring with laughter, he said " You wont get one here pal. it's crazy golf"Of course this set my wife off laughing,they were both helpless, I felt like a prize pudding. Alas 40 years afterward she still hasn't forgotten it ! Had one which was too heavy on the ketchup and it ran out all over my only pair of trousers, spent the next 3 weeks of my motorcycle touring holiday looking like I'd been shot between the legs, Guess that serves me right for putting one inside a condom and popping it through an old lady's letterbox, battered sausages are better for that trick!