Get rid of one specific food from your daily intake???!
Get rid of one specific food from your daily intake???
What food would you get rid of if you could?
Answers: meat.... meat Junk food!!! sugar its not really a food but its my downfall Meat first and cheese second. I love, love love cheese. every time i take a breath, i swallow thousands of tiny critters that add up to a lot of meat every, unless i walk around with a dust mask,i,nor anyone else can ever be a vegan...that's just a self-delusion.... chocolate.. so damn addictive. Sugar foods. Smoked meat..... I am not crazy about smoked meat any more but until my DH gets over this smoke every piece of meat that comes in the house phase he is in, I guess I will have to grin and eat it. We have grilled or smoked meat,,,every goodness, winter will be here soon. He just quit smoking cigarettes and is taking this hobby up to help him keep busy....must be has been two months now. So it is smoke cigarettes or smoke meat....I guess I choose meat....pray for me...LOL hot cheetoes.Those darn thing are way too addictive.