Why do i love peanut butter sooo much??!
Why do i love peanut butter sooo much??
i seeriously think im addicted to it.. its a problem lol
i just had a nice healthy breakfast of cereal and juice and an apple..then i was like ill just have a bite of pb. then i ate it til i was full lol.. any1 else like me? Additional Details
1 day ago
haha yeah i pretty much just think its funny
sometimes i have to like.. put the pb on a high shelf or something just to keep it under control lol
Answers: 1 day ago
haha yeah i pretty much just think its funny
sometimes i have to like.. put the pb on a high shelf or something just to keep it under control lol i have same problem like you
i just wont to tell you that don't worry about this
it's just funny :-) maybe peanut butter has something ur body needs... u just need to find what it is...
i think i have the same problem but with salt... my guess is i burn off sodium and iodine faster then most people... i always want salt on anything that can have salt... everyone always tells me, yo, thats too much salt... stop it..
i just ignore them and eat... Because it taste sooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!