BBQ chicken. How long can it be kept?!
BBQ chicken. How long can it be kept?
Mine's been in the fridge for 7 days. Should I eat it or toss it? Cheers :)
Answers: i would not eat it after 2 days,but you can freeze it within 24 hours of cooking Cooked already and in the frig, 2 days. Cooked and in the freezer, months. You have to be really careful with poultry. toss it you dont wont to get sick My personal rule is,"if it looks bad and smells bad. It is bad." With food, the best rule is "when in doubt, throw it out". I toss stuff regular from my fridge. The kids bring in stuff, the wife brings in stuff. When I open a Tupperware and I don't recognise the contents, it's gone. Don't play with food. It can make you real sick or even kill you. I never play with food, it ain't worth it.