Why don't adults eat candy and sweets as much as kids do?!
Why don't adults eat candy and sweets as much as kids do?
I'm sure when they were kids, they loved sweets and candies and wanted. Now that they can go buy it at the store, why don't they as much?
Answers: because they are soooooooo bothered about their health
i mean come on i do my teeth and evry tink but, give up sweets not in a million years actually w8 summat longer when microsoft makes vista work
we have only 1 life live it too the full
ds maybe your sweet tooth goes away slowly... so when you get old you dont like sweets as much or something.. idk! I eat my kids' sweets I'm afraid! I have to limit myself though or I'd get fat! because adults knows what it could really do to you. their metabolisms arent faster enough to disgest the sugars that you can eat as a child, pretty much because they self maintaining themselves for their health..
in other words, eat all the candy you can now =] Because they ate so much of it when they were younger. they know it's bad for them I'm 22 and still do. they are more "mature" phhh lol and its there money they are spending Who says we don't? :-) well adults dont burn the fat from candy off as easily as kids and little kids love sweets and soo do most adults but they might want to eat healthier kids naturally need more calories, so naturally want more sweets we have had enough.lol Bin there, done that. No thrill anymore. It is fattening and hard on the teeth. After eating all that candy and wonderful sweets --THEY DON'T HAVE ANY TEETH ! ! Because once you CAN do something ANY time you want to, you no longer want to. Have you ever heard the saying, "Too much of a good thing..." That's the case. The "grass is always greener on the other side of the fence!" i think its because there heart cant take as much candy im sure it has something to do with the fact that when you get older your metabolism slows down so if adults eat junk like kids do, they'll gain a lot of weight. they can't burn it off as fast as kids do and don't get as much physical activity as kids. i know some adults that consumer a lot of sugar, but i think most adults are just concerned with their health and abstain from sweets and junk food so they don't end up with health problems like diabetes or weight issues. plus i think adults end up substituting candy with other things, like coffee. you trade one craving for something else as your adult tastes change. Actually, I like and eat more sweets now as an adult than I ever did as a child.
But as far as not buying them as adults, I would think you are more responsible for your health and understand that sweets are not good for your health, weather it be teeth or weight problems. LOL my hubby does eat as much as a kid. he loves jelly beans,candy corn,circus peanuts,little debbie snack cakes,and hard candy. one word: Diabetes Adults are more proned to succcum to the effects of sweets..such as sugar diabetes, heart irregularities, loss of teeth and other symptoms of hyper-activity. Adults dont eat as much candy because of their metabolism slows down. If they ate as much as they did when they were kids, they would all have fatt stomach's. SO, this is why we, ADULTS, dont eat as much candy now. i like to eat hard candy like peppermint or butterscotch at work because it keeps my mouth from getting dry. i work outside and sometimes don`t get to drink water for several hours at a time. but i think kids eat more because they know they are not supposed to. They grew up I do...I don't see how that applies to me Because they've discovered that there are more tasty things to put into their bodies. Burnout is another possibility. This makes me want to go to the store and buy some butterfinger crisps. I love those...and since I'm a grown up...I'm not gonna share with anyone! ;) >> Kids bodies are apparently geared to like sweet, sugary foods ~ more than adults ~ I think it's because they burn kilojoules at a phenomenal rate (coz their bodies are still growing) so they need more energy input aka. sugar.
But as with anything, moderation is the key. because they ate so much of it as a kid that they are sick of it now. lol