Whats your favourite flavor crisps?!
Whats your favourite flavor crisps?
for me its Bovril
Answers: cheese and bunion!!! blatently best flavour by far!!! Cheese and onion
ohh and sum salt & vinegar Ready salted by a mile Salt and Onion or Cheese and Vinegar. I have to agree with you, i love Bovril crisps, but can you still get them? I know they stopped a while back and now i have to resort to marmite flavour! bbq and its funny b/c i don't like bbq, i prefer the baked b/c im trying to loose weight, im 60 lbs. plain old salted crisps no flavouring other than salt walkers marmite. Salt && viniger and at times i like barbie-queue I agree...... Walkers Smoky Bacon crisps BBQ cheese and onion, got to be walkers though, noone else gets the taste right cheese and onion or
sour cream and chive or
spring onion Cheese and onion but not walkers. I did have some locally made sweet chlli ones the other day and they were rather nice.... I love my cheesy nik naks they're grrrrreat! I just can't resist a packet of Salt n Vinegar McCoys they make my mouth water... yummm Thai Sweet Chilli - I think they are Walkers Sensations. I don't have any in at the moment - big packet, white, picture of a red chilli on the front. ready salted crisps walkers i used to love bovril flavour from smiths crisps but they stoppted making them so now i like marmite cheese it taste good on anything Smoky Bacon. Cheese and Onion
Prawn cocktails Us Yanks call them potato chips.Whenever I am in Great Britain or former British colonies,I love the salt& vinnegar. In the U.S., Kettle chips has buffalo(wings) and blue cheese that are especially tasty during "ladies time" I love cheese and onion and smoky bacon yumyumyum Sor cream and chives if I can have Pringles please
Cheese and onion if ordinary crisps Like our local chinese takeaway says " SORE FINGER"