Which ones ur favourite?!
Which ones ur favourite?
[] - Burger King
[] - KFC
[] - Mac Donald
Which one do u like the most? N
Which one is the worst tasting?
Answers: I never go near KFC so I can't comment on them, I prefer Burger King to MacDonalds, the fries there are crispier and always hotter I find, the MacDonalds ones are always soggy and you can taste the oil on them. I just think Burger Kind all round tastes fresher and has more flavour. KFC's the best. Burger King and McDonalds are equally bad as each other in the worst category. None of them are as good as decent chip shop chips, though. Sorry, I never eat that rubbish. best----- McDonalds
worst-----KFC Micky Ds does the best fries.....especially dipped in ice cream! yum! Burger King are the worst.
but then kfc make the worst chicken!!!! Definitely McDonalds are the best tasting and its a tough choice but I think kfc are the worst. In fact kfc food is just so overrated. They are all as bad as each other!! Mc Donald's=best
KFC=worst =) all totally vile BK is totally the best. KFC is so disguisting. I love KFC although i dont eat it that often (Im on a diet, lol). I have gone right off Maxcdonlads since I saw rats at our local one, we complained and they were not interested, so we dont buy maccy D's anymore. Burger king was okay the last time i went, but i would prefer KFC anyday. The coating on the zinger wings is lush, its a shame they dont make the zinger bucker anymore, that was a firm fave with my family. they are all awful, make your own home made wedges, they are much nicer! Macie D's is by far the best - you can't beat a Big Mac - Oh Boy! Just the thought of it - WOw!
Then KFC,
Then Burger King (I used to love their Vegge Whoppers but then they stopped doing them and then replaced them with yukkie bean burgers - uurrrr!) I think i might be able to choose the best one because i am a vegetarian so i often have to go for choices on the menu that are sides/extras so i have a better idea of which has a better selection/better tasting food. I would have to go for McDonalds having the best french fries, fruit and yogurt parfaits, apple pie, salads, and happy meals!!! but its also the worst because its so bad for you...but so is burger king and kfc McDonald's is disgusting, KFC and Burger King are slightly better, but i always opt for Burger King if i have to, slightly more expensive, but their fries are perfection. the has to be mcdonalds the tasting is burger king i dont like there burgers or fries. yuk!!!! I don't eat any of them often, maybe 3/4 times a year, but if I could only eat at one, it would have to be MacDonalds. It has childhood memories for me from when I used to come on holoiday to England every couple of years, and it used to be a treat (they didn't have it in South Africa back then).
In terms of worst tasting probably Burger King - not much flavour. McDonalds has always had and still has the best fries.
KFC's wedges aren't french fries, they are batter dipped potatoes.
Burger King's have an odd after taste that is not nice. I never eat fast food to be honest. But sometimes maybe you are on hols abroad or you don't know where to eat and you end up there! Personally I prefer Burger King. I like their fries more, McDonald's fries are not really my thing...anyway when you are hungry you eat anything! dont eat any its crap I rarely have the chips (or anything from those places) but I'd say Burger Kind is best, then KFC and then McDonalds. All gross processed crap, fit for the dog only. they are all slop jockeys.
stay away from them, and try making your own.
it's healthier and tastier. Burger King is my favorite
KFC doesn't really serve fries here. They are my 3rd favorite. Burger King is the best
KFC is the worst Burger King best
KFC worst KFC Fries are just not cooked enough - they are always pale and, well, undercooked.
McD Fries are better.
BK - I haven't been there for so long it wouldn't be right if I gave an opinion. Reasons for boycot - it's not fast food and just not clean. 1.KFC
2.Mac Donald
3.Burger King nva tried tho!