My teeth are wired shut so what's something healthy I can drink?!
Answers: I had my 3rd jaw surgery on Thursday and my teeth are wired shut until the 16th of October. I've been drinking Ensure, orange and apple juice, Carnation Instant Breakfast, and of course water. However, this gets extremely old- is there anything else I can drink that is healthy and provides me with lots of nutrition since I cannot eat solid food at all?
I'm sorry to hear you have had so much surgery,I hope you feel better soon.
Here are a few things you might want to try...
Low-Sodium V-8 Juice
Vegetable/Chicken/Beef Broth(not soup)
Cranberry Juice
Herbal Tea w/honey
Centrum Liquid(tastes brutal but it will give you strength by providing the vitamins and mineral you are missing)
1. One food try at a time...mixing too much is ad nauseum...such as some ground beef cooked well done and drained of fat...mix with beef boullion to a thin liquid.
2. Vegetable juices, i.e. carrot, green goodness, pomegranite, etc... are available in the refrigerated area of vegetable sections of grocery stores...ask the manager about stocking some while the boyfriend is 'wired'.
3. Soups...already liquidy...blend and serve.
4. Chili...blended with some extra tomato juice or left-over coffee is flavorful.
5. Remember that chicken boullion may be spiced up with a few flakes of cayenne pepper for a quick delicious treat.
There is more to a liquid diet than ice cream...I hope he gets his 'wires' off soon...
It is very good of you to help him while is he adjusting to his new diet. The excerpts below are from the source listed below:
A liquid diet is a diet containing no solid foods. It is usually used by people who have had oral surgery or have their jaws wired shut. As with any special diet, a liquid diet must take into account a person's nutritional needs.
Types of Liquid Diets
Whether on a liquid diet for surgical reasons or just for weight loss, there are a few different types of liquid diets. The following is a list of three different types of liquid diets.
[edit] Clear Liquid Diet
This is the diet doctors will assign for right after surgery. Its purpose is to start the digestive system out slowly after anesthesia and to reduce the risk of nausea and vomiting during the body’s recovery. This diet consists of anything that "you can see through." This diet is only required for a couple of days or until the doctor says otherwise.
[edit] Full Liquids (Strained)
This liquid diet is anything that can be blended and passed through a strainer to eat. This is the diet that follows the Clear Liquid Diet and will last until the wires come off. Typically that would be 4-6 weeks. This is a long time and creativity and imagination will be necessary to keep from becoming discouraged. This diet provides more calories than the previous but is still liquid and therefore easily digested. This is essential for patients who have their jaw wired shut and do not have the option to chew or swallow solid foods. This is the diet that patients on a liquid diet for their jaw being wired shut will become most familiar with.
[edit] Blended Liquid Diet (Thinned Foods)
These are meals that can be blended and do not need to be strained. This is the last step in the liquid diet and must be approved by the doctor. This is the type patients on a liquid diet for surgical reasons will go on directly after having the wires removed from their jaw. This is a time when the body is still healing and cannot tolerate solid food quite yet. An example of the texture of food allowed for this period would be soft foods such as mashed potatoes. This will last until solid foods can be eaten in a couple of weeks. This is the absolute last step on a liquid diet.
[edit] Thinning liquids
Various liquids can be used to make food thin enough to eat. These include, but are not limited to:
Milk or cream
Chicken broth
Vegetable broth
Cream sauce
Fruit and vegetable juices
I would definitely bust out the blender and start making smoothies if I were you. You can make fruit and veggie smoothies from fresh and frozen frutis andveggies. You can add nutritional boost by adding in some wheat germ or ground flaxseed or sea kelp or bee pollen. These will really take the nutrition to the next level and your only limited by your imagination. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
tomato juice ,salt and pepper