What is your favorite breakfast cereal?!
Answers: mine is 'Trix'.
I love fruit loops.
mine is LIFE ummmmm i love it with lil bit of cold milk umm awww man now i want some!!
Grapenuts.....very malty tasting. Hot or cold milk they don't go soft. Very hard, very small so watch out for broken/bad teeth!!!!!
cap n crunhc
Either Life or Cap'n Crunch.
specail k
Cornflakes with milk.
Either life or honey nut cheerios
Alpabets with Marshmellows!
I love fruity pebbles. and i love to drink the milk after because it taste like strawberry milk.yum
Honey Nut Cheerios
Frosted mini wheats are pretty good.
Corn flakes.
Golden Grahams followed by the old recipe for Cookie Crisp.
porridge, with caramel topping or maple syrup
Post Honey Nut Shredded Wheat. I eat this for breakfest and durning the day for a snack. No milk required. MMMyummy. Maybe I'll have some now.
Cap n Crunch or Frosted Flakes
Shredded wheat biscuits and Corn Pops.
My favorite is Basic Four.
hOney nut Cherrio's
Honey Comb
special k (vanilla almond)
Cold - Honeycomb
Hot - Cocoa Wheats