Can someone tell me how milk is bad for you??Ive only recently found out it doesnt agree with most people. . .!
Answers: . . . cause our bodies arent able to disgest it.I dont know much about it tho so if anyone could tell me more :) Cheers
You hit the main reason why milk is bad. Because most people have trouble digesting it. More adults in the world are lactose intolerant, than those who can digest milk.
Milk has very little nutritional value.
People say it is high in calcium. It is. But it's calcium the body has trouble digesting. Broccoli is also high in calcium, but in a form that is much easier to digest. Still if you want an excellent source of calcium, you should try eating soft bone fish; like anchovies or sardines. If you really needed calcium you could take calcium supplements and get the same amount of calcium at one tenth the cost of milk.
Also, vitamin D doesn't occur naturally in milk. It is usually added in the process. Our bodies make vitamin D, and it is available in other foods.
True milk has a lot of protien but it also has a lot of saturated fat. And considering that oestioporosis is linked to diets high in protein, and not calcum as priviously thought, a diet filled with milk may be causing the very problem the milk lobby told us it would cure.
Aside from most of the world's adults having trouble digesting milk, (90% of people of asian descent and 75% of people of African descent) there really isn't anything super bad about milk. But there is nothing really good about it either. It's also pretty expensive.
Milk is really something only Americans drink, and Americans only drink milk because the milk lobby spends a lot of money to get people to think "milk does a body good," when it really doesn't. Most of the world doesn't drink milk.
When I lived in Europe people were shocked to hear that adults in the United States drank milk.
calcium deposits, horrible.
vegans think so but since im not lets drink some lol
I would say it doesnt agree with some people, not most. Milk is very good for you. Builds strong bones. I love milk, drink it every day.
milk isn't bad for you it's good for you, it has calcium which is good for teeth and bones. and it tastes great!!
milk has a good source of vitamin D in it.
however, you should always have milk with something else, otherwise it will ruin the stomach lining of your stomach.
yes, this is very true. milk by itself hurts your stomach lining.
not too worry, everyone who does this , it happens to them too.
Well I don't know, but you can always drink other milk options like soy milk or rice milk. If you're worried about it you should contact a doctor and ask!
Many people lack the enzyme lactase and are thus unable to digest milk properly. Some can drink soy milk or add Lactaid to the milk.
Very few mammals atually digest cow milk very well! We're not strictly built to digest it as its for baby cows. It isnt bad for you unless your intolerant. IT has calcium afterall. However calcium can be gained in healthier ways such as dark green leafy veggies.
It is tru that many people are intolerant but these intolerances are quite minor. Theres only a few people who find that it inadvertantly ruins their life unknowingly. They probably have IBS, poor sleep, fatigue etc.
You can find out quite easily if you get symptoms like the above by quitting it for 2 weeks. see if you feel better. then reintroduce it and if you feel worse bobs your uncle. you know to avoid dairy.
IT is basically called a lactose intolerance. But many people say they are intolerant nowadays when actually theyre not really!
But like i say its hard to digest so it isnt really the best thing you can do.
you are wrong, notmost people, only the few who are lactose tolerant = if it doesn't give you any side effects you can drink to your hearts content and don't listen to the doom sayers
milk is used to fatten babies
dont drink it!
Several of my grandchildren have had quite severe reaction to cow's milk, but can manage goat and soya milk. The reaction is of discomfort and skin irritation etc. I get bloated and gassy with the combination of cow's milk and wheat (as do many others).
Since stopping taking milk in my cereals, and drinks, I feel loads better, but I'm making sure I have a spoonful of plain yoghurt with fruit each day so that I don't build up a really bad reaction to milk if I have to have it in the future.
One of my daughters absolutely loved drinking milk (cows) and her daughter does as well and they both thrive on it is obviously quite an individual thing, even within the same family. Therefore one cannot expect to have or give hard and fast guidelines on amounts that are suitable.
Hope this is of some help.
Because it's made for baby cows. Not humans.
That's baloney. There are some who are lactose intolerant of course. They can either avoid milk and related products, or use lactaid. For the vast majority of us, milk is a valuable source of nutrients such as calcium and proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals. If milk was as bad for us as some would have us believe, the human race would have died out some hundreds of years ago. A study has shown that for women desiring to have a child, those who consume full fat dairy products may actually slightly increase their fertility.
European people were shocked to hear that adults in the United States drank milk? I'll bet they weren't as shocked as I was when I first heard European children routinely drank alchoholic and beer. LOL