Another "Cheesy" question.....?!
Answers: What do I serve with Camembert (typically, other than Beaujolais) and would YOU consider the crust edible or not?
Camembert is good with fruit! And crackers. Usually that kind of cheese goes with -white- wine, but I guess there are no hard and fast rules.
I eat the crust! Once you cut it off there's not much left!
We used to make a snack-y food that everyone loved! Core an apple and dice it small, cut up some dates too, then mix 1 part apple, one part dates and one part camembert or brie. Heat that up in the microwave until the cheese is just almost melted, and spread it thickly on crackers. Mmmmmmm! It was always a big hit at parties.
Um, serve them with water crackers or something, and yes, the crust is edible. Unless there is green mould, then throw it out.