Is it bad if you swallow macaroni without chewing?!
Answers: I'm just wondering. Because I seem to do it sometimes..... Also with jello.....
It won't harm you. your digestive juices will just break it down like everything else. There are alot worse things you can swallow.
Yes never sallow food without chewing bad 4 digestion system.
Accidentally? There’s not much to macaroni anyway- the stomach acids will break it down quickly. Jello- you don’t really chew that anyway.
no. You should always chew your food, but you will still digest it if you swallow it whole. cooked macaroni doesn't have any hard edges to scratch or get lodged in your throat, either
If you eat a whole lot of macaroni like that , it could give you a tummy ache.=)
its only bad for you if you start chocking on it if you havent choked on it dont worry about it because it will break down in your system