What do you do when you ate something really spicy?!
Answers: I bit into a really hot pepper & it burned my tongue. I'd like to know what can you do to help the burn? I mean, is there like a certain liquid you have to drink? or something you have to eat?
there are several things you can do.
1. You can eat some dairy products like cheese or you can drink milk.
2. You can eat bread or suck some sugar cubes.
3. Cold puddings or yoghurts are great too.
4. Jam and butter are great at taking the spicy taste away immediately. (you can eat them with bread.)
(5. Some people say that salt is effective but i have never tried it.)
i dont recommend drinking water because i think that makes it worse because it spreads the spice around your mouth.
Dairy products like milk, yoghurt or cheese will help get rid of the burning.
most of the times when i take really, really hot/spicy food, the only thing that i take to offset the spiceness is simply a cup of ice cold water.
p.s. i consume spicy food daily. it's a cultural thingy.
Along with the dairy products mentioned, salt helps as well.
Bread can help remove the lingering hotness, or make it not last as long. I usually eat a slice or two of buttered bread when I have eaten my maximum intake of Dave's Insanity Salsa. Hottest stuff I have ever had. For reference, Tabasco is like water to me.
Drink milk or eat some sour cream.
Cold milk always does it for me. Others swear by sugar.
I find that jam (straight out of the fridge) really helps.
I LOVE spicy things and I have a very high tolerance to spicy foods, but one time I had an unusually hot scotch bonnet pepper with some cheese and my mouth was on fire, I was actually crying because it was so hot. Then my mom and cousin told me I should try some jam. Surely enough, it worked.
a spoonful of sugar or a slice of dry bread
drink milk