What is the minimum amount of money that makes you return groceries.?!
Would you go back if you were overcharged 20p or less on an item?
Answers: when e.g. tesco accidentally overcharge, (they seem to be increasing their "errors"),
Would you go back if you were overcharged 20p or less on an item?
If the store charged you 1cent over, they are obligated to refund you. Personally, if the store is further than walking distance, I would only go back for a refund if it were 5 dollars and over. Sometimes it only takes a phone call and they will write your name down and you'll have a credit whenever you return. This has happened to me with great results!
you can go back to the store on any dollar amout and they will refund you.
i would go back for anything them shops get away with murder went into asda 5 weeks running and bought so called special deals only to be charged full price at the check out imagine the amout of money they are making if they got away with this in every store they wont let you pay 20p short on your bill why should they get away with it
I see you're from England, but I live in America and it doesn't matter what the price was.. if you were accidentally overcharged, then the store owes you money. With attitudes like the girl who answered who works in customer service, I'd take my business elsewhere. I recently bought a can of water chestnuts and found out they were over a year past the expiration date. Though they didn't cost much, I did return them to the store to show them so they could remove the other items on the shelf with the same date. One grocery store I used to shop at would give you your item free if it rang up the wrong price. That's great customer service and I'd still be shopping there today if I hadn't moved to another state.
it has be be like 30 cents or more, money is money
The amount doesn't matter it is what causes you to be disastified.
If you knew the issue at the time you were making the purchase you wouldn't go through with it.
If the faulty goods are perishables then I just freeze them until I next visit the store.
I would go back for any amount to sound them out so that they know that I check and will be careful with their work.
They maybe doing it deliberately and just imagine the amount they would collect if shoppers do not verify the errors.
i dont care if its 50cents...im getting my money...i work way to hard for it to be screwed
Yes, I would, and I have. I shop about everyday anyway so it's no hassle. I just go back the next day with the item and the receipt. I don't care how much I was overcharged, I think it needs to be brought to the attention of the store so they can fix it. And they always refund my money and apologize. (Safeway) Usually it's that I bought my groceries before the computers had been updated for the day/week.
Well, I would only take stuff back if it was at least £5 I got overcharged by, it is only a couple of quid afterall.
I work in a shop on customer services and some people want refunds on a couple of pence and I just think "get a life, how can you be so tight?".