What's your favourite biscuit?!
Answers: And do you dunk or not?
Custard creams
Ginger nuts
All dunked the only way to eat them.
toffee pops
Cafe Noir...
No don`t dunk as i don`t drink hot drinks...
figgy roll every time followed close behind garibaldi
yeh baby dunk everytime yum
ive got to agree with wonkasnobaliciousbar as the figgy roll is the ultimate biscuit!!
yum yum :)
nd always dunk
chocolate ones
Jammy dodger.
Has to be Rich Tea - and I so dunk!
Ginger thins, and yes I dunk em when I allow myself a treat!
Chocolate digestives deyre delcious!
I'm Italian but my favourite biscuits are Penguins...i love them!!!
All of 'em. Love biscuits, especially custard creams.
Anything with chocolate in it or on it.
Custard creams for dunking
Australian ginger biscuits for dunking (they need it!)
Abernethy - not dunked
Swedish biscuits - not dunked (they're like Melting Moments made with porridge oats)
love shortbread and rich tea i like to dunk them but they always break
Has to be shortbread for me. Delicious dunked or not!
Gotta second Toffee Pops! They ROCK!!!
I also like Chocolate Bourbons! YUM!
And Yes I do dunk occasionally.
I love chocolate biscuits and I like to dunk them too! ;-)
Lemon puffs, but for dunking I love rich tea.
Mcvite's Hobnobs!! Not to dunk though.
Love Chocolate Digestives dipped in warm milk. Hmmmmmmmmmm.
being quite idle i buy mine ready broken.lol
jammie dodgers
I love all biccy's and I love to dunk.