Is There Some Part Of Your Body That You Regularly Eat?!
What do you "like" about yourself?
Is this considered cannibalism?
Answers: Fingernails? Nose goodies?
What do you "like" about yourself?
Is this considered cannibalism?
Okay, this will sound kind of gross, but I used to chew or bite off dead skin of the finger nuckle or my index finger (the middle wrinkley part ya know?)
I would do that when I'm thinking hard or nervous.
It was a really bad habit because afeter awhile, my index finger would look disgusting, but then I quit cold turkey and my doctor gave me a sort of steroid cream for the skin to grow back quicker.
It's fine now I guess. Now it just looks there's no wrinkley part there.
I still sometimes do it though. So It's kinda hard..
I don't think It's considered cannabalism.
LOL freaking funny
nose nuggets!
We prefer to think of it as humanitarianism.
I regularly eat the dead skin on my lips. The dead skin that I tear off my lips is very small, and you probably can't even see it on my lips before I consume it. It's not cannibalism.
Does someone else's body count?