Really boring question but ...?!
See, told you it was boring
Answers: Does anyone here drink hot water with lemon juice and does it really aid digestion?
See, told you it was boring
Yes I drink it every morning as it flushes out all of the toxins in the body and is good for digestion
No, not me. It doesn't sound very nice. .__.
Doesn't warm cola help digestion too?
Not boring! I might give it a go!
yes it is boring
Actually it's really nice. It really helps you wake up first thing in the morning better than coffee. It detoxes your system.
sounds like it would work......... not a boring question
Add a touch of whiskey will also aid digestion, in fact whiskey will aid anything. Yes it will.
Maybe add some honey.
Drink hot water with a slice of lemon in it instead.
It is good for detox.
No Boring Really Interasting
Never tried it, but looks interesting. Guess I'm bored also.
No such thing as a boring question, only boring answers...although I have never done it, my grandmother used to do that and she swore by it...I prefer colder water (but not ice cold) with a lemon wedge in it and it seems to help me. The thought of hot water and lemon grosses me out, so that's why I have never tried it that may want to experiment with what you prefer and what works for you...
i do in Italy almost all of us drink it when we ate a little too much and a lot heavy
I drink warm water every nite for digestion.No lemon juice?
It Does help.
Its v good if u ever have sick tummy.
Boil water,let it cool,drink!
let coke go flat thats good for digestion and upset smomach
Jack Daniels, no ice, no fuss.
No digestion troubles, must be a winner!
I s not a boring Q`s.It`s legit.My grandmother used to gives war water when we ate too much.
i dont think it does ubt my mum swears by it
Dont know.......but in Asia if you are sick you are told to drink plenty of hot water, seems to help
I heard it helps also with dieting coz it does helps wiv digestion or sumthing. I've read it on a website, Gillian McKeith said about it
here's the website- it only notes it, doesnt go into detail about it:
I think hot water does aid digestion (hot tea, too, and maybe coffee).
never heard of it aiding digestion. it's well known to be quite cleansing though.
peppermint tea aids the digestion