Who or What affects your appetiete? Besides being sick.. what makes you eat more or less?!
Answers: than you normally would.
Stress definitely - sometimes I won't eat hardly at all, and others I cannot seem to stop! Also, just thinking about a certain food can sometimes make me crave it so badly, that I must have it. Smelling certain foods effects me - sometimes in a good way, so that I want to eat it, and sometimes in a foul way, that it just turns me off to the thought of food!
OH!...and paging through my latest Gourmet or Bon Apetit...reading the recipes and seeing the pictures - that can definitely make me hungry!
When it's summer time I have to make myself eat. Humidity takes my appetite away.
I eat more when I'm PMSing. No food is safe around me for a week.
Stress affects my eating habits, usually I can't or won't eat under the circumstance. Sometimes interruption's during a meal, even those as simple as having to get up and get the salt or a serving of a dish of extra food for someone, for example causes me to be unable to finish eating. If someone calls on the phone it bothers me in that same way. If my mate talks on the phone during supper it annoys me and at times I lose my appetite. If I must answer the door I may become distracted to the extent that my meal is wasted. Any arguing or confrontations with others, or those around me, even if it is not pertaining to me, have a similar effect. on the other hand; watching a movie that's exciting or scary while snacking or having supper and usually I eat too much!
Depression, stress, anxiety, PMS, anger, happiness, quiting a bad habit (i.e. smoking). Moods are the biggest appetite killer, either you turn to food or away. If you like food try to eat and exercise on a regular basis, staying active is good for everyone.