Is sugar sweeter than sugar cane what is your proof?!
Answers: I've tried sugar cane juice before, and it's hard to explain, but it tastes better - it's not necessarily sweeter, but it tastes more healthy and fresh than processed sugar.
i think sugar cane's sweeter.
i've tried it.
Sugar cane it sweeter ... loved the cane
sugar cane is like purrre sugar while sugar has so many stuff in it.
Sugar cane is way sweeter it's super good.
If the sugar comes from sugar cane, then I would expect it would be sweeter, as it's the refined version - and thus more potent.
sugar can is definetly sweeter!!
ive had it fresh from the plant!!
At the moment I'm about 95%proof hic hic
Yes because sugercane is PURE grown suger while regular suger is made by machine.
Sugar cane is fresher and hasn't been bleached and processed. I think most fresh fruit and vegetables are sweeter and better for you than sugar.
Sugar is sweeter because some sugar cane is not that sweet. My proof comes from my experiences. I am from the country and my neighbor is a sugar cane field.
Good Luck!
Sugar, as in the sugar you buy in a bag at a store that is in crystal form, is from sugar cane. At least it usually is. The only other large source of it (sucrose) is from sugar beets.
So what exactly is it that you are asking?
If you mean eating a sugar cane or eating refined sugar from the bag, then the refined sugar would be sweeter. Sugar cane contains other things besides the sugar, mainly molasses (which is bitter), so that will take away from it's overall sweetness.
And the refined sugar hasn't been bleached as some people are mistakenly stating. It has had the molasses removed from it is all. Since the molasses is dark in colour then removing it leaves the remainder white. Brown sugar is just sugar that hasn't had the molasses removed or has had it removed and then reintroduced back into the sugar. Both processes are used.
It depends on how it is processed and what type of sugar you're tasting. The three main types of sugar used in the US food industry are cane, beet, and corn. From experience, processed sugar tastes sweeter than cane sugar. My guess is because cane sugar is diluted by the naturally occuring water in the cane. A very large portion of the white sugar sold in stores is now beet sugar. Personally, I can't tell the difference between cane and beet.
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Probably sugar cane because that is where sugar comes from.