What is your favorite dessert?!
Answers: I love apple crisp a la mode!
too many too name and pick just one... but some of the desserts i love are brownies, pecan pie, key lime pie, chocolate cake, apple turnovers, strawberry turnovers and cookies! yummo:)!
Cholate cream pie, or choclate creams, any thing chocolate
A Chocolate Molten from Chili's...yummmm. now I want one. lol.
anything with Lemon
any type of cheesecake
Cheesecake...it can be made with so many flavors and textures and they are all a taste experience. Rich and sweet. My favortie is traditonal NYStyle with an almond crust. Hey, that is why they made a whole restaurant chain about it!!!!
chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
vanilla ice cream with double fudge brownies!! haha good question.
cream pies - any flavor
Chocolate layer cake with a tall glass of milk.