Chewing gum or bubble gum?!
Answers: Which one do u like better?
:)He,he.... Interesting question. I wonder what made you ask it!!!
When I was a small kid, I used to lurrrrrrrrrrrve Bubble gum. But for some reason, I'm not too hyped up about it anymore.
Now, I like chewing gums better.....preferably the minty ones.
Chewing- because I prefer minty flavors and bubble gum pieces are usually too big and end up giving me headaches.
i prefer chewing gums coz i luv mint n i hate those big n sweet bubble gums..................
I like bubble gum better because the flavors last longer.
chewing gum wins by far.The only time I chew a piece of bubble gum is when my kids want me to blow a big bubble.
Bubble gum, either Bazooka or Double Bubble