Who makes the best popcorn?!
But if you want to know what kind of pop corn I pop ... then none other than Orvalle Redenbacker from Valpreso Indiana.
Answers: I do! Care to join me?
But if you want to know what kind of pop corn I pop ... then none other than Orvalle Redenbacker from Valpreso Indiana.
My movie theater
butterkist or homemade
Orville Redenbocker BABY! :D
duh old man orville redenbacher
Orville, by and far
ur mama..hee hee
Hello, yourself at home, anywhere is more expensive
Orville Redenbacher-salt and black pepper is the best.
I've heard people say "Garrett's Popcorn" in Chicago, but I have never been there. I guess it's pretty well known and they ship.
In Chicago, it's Garretts. They have a few stores downtown but you can also order online. Their carmel corn or cheese corn just melts in your mouth, it's so tender. Their regular popcorn is great too. They're pricey but worth it for a special treat.
Best FOR you? That might not be what you want...but in terms of sodium, fat, carbs, etc., and convenience, as in microwave popcorn, the very best is Orville Redenbacker's Smart Pop. Kettle Corn flavor optional.
And it tastes quite good. Not buttery and so forth, but perfectly delicious.
Links to amazon.com below, which has the nutritional info as a link on each page.
The trick is to keep the popcorn moist. I put a damp cotton ball in the popcorn for r this purpose
I think Orville has the best taste. Pop Secret's popcorn is unnaturally large.
I do. :)
pop secret