How come no other fruit is named the same as its colour?!
Answers: like an orange is orange, so why isn't a bannana a yellow?
The colour is named after the orange fruit, introduced to Europe via the Indo-European word nāranja. Before this was introduced to the English-speaking world, the colour was referred to (in Old English) as geoluhread, which translates into Modern English as yellow-red.
The first recorded use of orange as a colour name in English was in 1512, in the court of King Henry VIII.
And no other fruit are named so because orange is confusing enough as it is! i mean if i had a penny for everytime ive misinterpreted the word orange id have seven pennies!
maybe the colour was named after the orange
So you`ve never heard of Blueberries, Blackberries, Redcurrants, Greengages, Purple sprouting Broccoli, Greens and so on?
Lemon, lime. avocado,..
there is also lime,lemon and peach. they are all colours and fruits too. take care xx
Because it probably is the native for yellow
how about the kiwi is that green you look it up for us..
What about a lime?
maybe the colour was named after the fruit, and not the fruit after the colour
Because then what about those other yellow fruits? And there are different kinds of fruits, like apples, so its like what would you call it? a Granny Red? and there are strawberries? so what would you call them? Green? but there are kiwis they had to come up with different things. As for orange, idk maybe they just got
if so,we would have to recognize by a more complicated and confusing names such as yellow 1, yellow 2, yellow 3 and so on for same color fruits like lemon and banana!what about those with stripes like watermelon?
The color was named for the fruit
The colour is named from the fruit.
What about cherry,or cerise, lime,avocado, peach, apricot, chestnut, tangerine, all the berries and currants like blue berry, redcurrant etc.,There are lots but I want to get a few more questions answered before Doc Martin starts!
What about a lime, lemon is also a colour.