Answers: i have eaten about 4 rustler burgers now well today and i dont even feel bloated or fat, usually no matter what i eat i feel fat why not now? any one out there able to help me understand why??
whats a rustler burger?
Ohhh God - don't do it!!! Wrestlers????? I have seen how those things are made and would never ever ever eat one.
Because cardboard dose not bloat you out & is high in fiber!
Blurgh!! they are minging! dont even like the look of them! ................Im sure if you eat 4 in one day, that you may not feel fat or bloated now, but it will catch up with you one day!
How could you put so much junk into your mouth.
I wouldn't dream of taking a bite from one let alone four.
The consequences will come later and, at that pace - you
deserve all you get.