Question about going vegitarian....?!
and what exactly does it mean to be vegetarian?
Answers: Today I made the decision to finally go veg.... I've done it, but can I eat dairy products and still be considered a vegetarian?
and what exactly does it mean to be vegetarian?
There are many different kinds of vegetarian. The biggest one is that you eat NO MEAT ... that's beef, pork, lamb or mutton, goat, chicken, turkey or any other bird. If you want to eat 'dairy' you are a 'lacto'vegetarian. If you want to eat eggs, you are an 'ovo'vegetarian. If you want to eat fish, you are a 'pisco'vegetarian. If you want to eat more than one, you use the words in '-' marks IN ORDER in front of the word vegetarian. If you don't want to eat ANY KIND OF ANIMAL PRODUCTS EVER, you are now called a 'vegan' ...
i think your going for vegan... go see a nutritionist!! best of luck!
No meat or no fish. It is basically any creature that was living and moving on its own.
lets eat meat again
Vegetarian is not eating any meat or sea food.
Non-Meat Eater is like vegetarian, but you eat sea food (that's me!)
Vegan is vegeatarian with no animal products (including honey and dairy)
You can still eat dairy and be a vegaterian. Now, Vegan is a different matter - no meat, fish, dairy or food made with animal products.
vegetarian means you eat no product that contains animal biproducts. milk might be considered 'animal biproduct' since it comes from cows. try soy milk. eggs are also animal biproducts...
Shouldn't you have looked into this before you made the decision to be a veg?............hmmmm
A vegetarian eats eggs and milk and dairy. A vegan eats no animal byproducts at all.
Neither vegetarian nor vegan eat chicken or fish, ever.
You would still be considered a vegetarian if you still ate dairy and not meat.
A Vegan, on the other hand, would not eat dairy. They are more radical than vegetarians.
well, yes and no.. vegans (strict vegetarians) dont't eat anything that comes from an animal or anything that has anything from an animal in it. but just a vegetarian is just considered to not eat meat or meat byproducts.
vegetarian means you don't eat meat.
You can eat dairy unless you want to become vegan, they don't eat meat or anything made from an animal..
There are many different types of vegetarian. One type is vegan, which means you don't eat any product that came from an animal source(this would include dairy, egg and some gelatin products). I am a ethivore, which means I only eat meat if I know it was humanly raised, ethically treated and organic. This is a healthier alternative to going totally vegetarian, because meat is one of the most perfect sources of lean protein which is essential in a healthy diet. If you don't want to eat meat at all, be very sure you are getting enough protein. You might want to consult a physician on some good vegetarian diet tips.
You'd be a lacto-vegetarian. Yes, you are! You'd like "Vegetarian Times"; it's a magazine that speaks of the vegetarian lifestyle.
Being vegitarian means you believe in killing plants to eat not animals hehehe.
OK, being vegetarian means not eating the FLESH of any once living creature (although lots of people say 'I'm a vegetarian accept for fish', don't know why) or things that contain it. You can have milk, eggs (that haven't been fertilized) etc. If you decide to give those up, that's being vegan. There's a difference of opinion if you can use things you don't eat that are dead animal derived like leather and still be vegetarian, but for that most part people agree that it's about what you eat only.
it means eating no meat, however, you should eat meat,
because of the nutrients, people who are vegetarians
have a tendency to have weak bones later in life. Don't over do it on meat. Just don't eat anymore than 4 oz of any
meat and load up on veggies and salads. Take a Multivitamin everyday. Baked Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes are good for you too providing you don't load
up on butter, sour cream, and all that junk.