When does milk go bad?!
Answers: I have unopened milk, that has been refridgerated, the sell by date was 10-13-07. Is it still good? I haven't opened it yet. but it looks ok. 2% gallon in the plastic bottle
open it and smell it, if it doesn't smell sour or bad. then check if it still taste ok.
I depends on a lot of things, the sell by dates mean nothing I've had milk go bad before the date so when it smells throw it out, it's not worth it.............
It's probably okay to drink. Open it and see if it smells. I think it's best to just buy new milk. It's not worth the risk.
about a week or so after the sell by date assuming you leave it closed and leave it in the fridge. oh yeah its totally good.
Depends on how cold your fridge is and what level of pasturization it went through. If it doesn't smell bad, pour a little into a clear glass and swirl it around, if you see any teeny lumps, toss it.
Just because milk has a sell by date does not mean that the milk is bad because that day has passed. It just means tha the store should sell it by then. And if you don"t like that answer just take a whiff of it, if it smells bad dump it down the drain!
i would last for 24 hrs .. if u open it then not even for 5 hrs if it is not boiled ..