Whats a good way to take your mind off hunger besides eating?!
Answers: please help, all i can think of is a chocolate kitkat bar and dinner.
Do something you like the most besides eating.
If its me, I'll read comic books to forget bout eating.
Do things that will draw you far away from remembering that you wanna eat, something thats take your mind to another world.....It must also be something that doesn't tire you up, maybe playing games or sort..?
But don't eat at all, eat some and tell yourself that you've eaten a lot and doesn't need more to eat!
to quote my mother "have a drink of water"
well if u have food and ur hungry id suggest eating....
but if u mean if u have no food, then if u have chewing gum u cud try that? or a drink of water or something like that, or just distract urself by excercising or dancing...
just dont sit there on the computer or watching tv doing nothing because it makes u even more hungry
I don't know if it will work for you, but I've heard of someone brushing their teeth when they have an urge to eat. That way, when they eat, it will taste bad. LOL, I think it's an unusual way, but give it a try.
do something like take a hike or go to the beach or read some thing like art to keep your mind off of food and if you need something eat a granol bar for energy and or gum
Gum or something not food that keeps you chewing for a long time.
THE EASIEST answer of all: sleeping or napping.
Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed taking the time to answer it!
Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!
Ummm. Eat. Hunger is a sign you need to fuel your body. If your worried about your weight, just eat something low fat. It's fat that makes you fat, not food. Food is necessary. You will die without it.
Drink a tall glass of water
Go for a walk
Go for a bike ride
Call a friend you haven't talked with in a while
Drink a tall glass of water
Take the dog for a walk to the park
Take a drive to friends house
Do some laundry
Vacuum the floor
Don't buy kitkat bars and bring them home
Drink a tall glass of water
Mow the lawn
Visit a neighbor
Weed the flower beds
Do the dishes
or...drink a tall glass of water
Drink a tall glass of water
Try hitting your finger with a hammer