Whats the differance between gammon and bacon besides the price?!
EDIT - gammon is NOT thicker than bacon. The bacon rashers you buy have been sliced, stack lots of them together and don't cut them in the first place and you have a bacon joint. Same goes for gammon.
Answers: Gammon IS a cut of bacon, but normal bacon is usually from the flank, the back, and gammon is from the hind legs/rump.
EDIT - gammon is NOT thicker than bacon. The bacon rashers you buy have been sliced, stack lots of them together and don't cut them in the first place and you have a bacon joint. Same goes for gammon.
gammon is good with pineapple, bacon is not
i think its from a differnt part of the animal
gammon is thicker
The only difference is gammon like you say its dearer & thicker.Some times it tastes a bit salty other than that to me theres no difference.
Gammon is thicker than bacon.
very little in taste .
i buy `bacon` joints they are cheaper ,and if you don`t tell i won`t.lol
gammon has a different flavour tastes a lot better bacon is nice in a roll, or with egg and chips, but gammon goes nicer wih other things even salads,
gammon is a different cut of pork - the rear end
bacon is cut from the back of the pig
both are cured in different ways
They be spelt different, so they bea, ahh
Bacon comes from the belly, back, or sides of a pig. Ham comes from the hind thigh. Gammon (from the Old French "gambon" - ham) comes from the hind hip joint area, so it's like a cross between bacon and ham.
Bacon's from an ickle pig and gammons from a huuuuuuuge pig e.g.
Bacon Pig: <->
Gammon Pig: <---------------------------->
and its thicker
Having cut, sliced and jointed thousands of sides of bacon over a 7 year period I can tell you that there is no difference between gammon and bacon except from where it is cut from the side.
Gammon is in fact the Butt and top thigh of the leg and therefore the leanest meat. (for which you pay most).
Shoulder and Collar joints are made from the front quarter of the side and the meat is marbled (meat and fat) and therefore cheaper.
Bacon Rashers are Streaky (belly), Back, Collar (neck), Oyster(where the pelvic bone was), Best Back (where it joins the Gammon) and Gammon Steaks. Sometimes the Back and Streaky are cut together and called Middle.
The thing with bacon is its versatility it can be fried, grilled, boiled, roasted and barbequed without marring the flavour.