What do you prefer junk food or healthy food?!
Answers: I like a balance between the two.
My diet is mainly healthy but sometimes a bit of what you fancy junk food wise does you good.
I prefer the taste of healthy food definately, but it takes so long to cook!!!!
When it comes to taste - junk food all the way. But I have to be good so I stay away as much as possible.
Right healthy food is better but when time is short or you are not going home junk food is okay like you said a balance is good.
I like a balance between the two also. It also depends on what mood I'm in.
i agree
balance is great
junk for taste
healthy for feeling good
if i eat too much junk i feel disgusting
and if i have all healthy i crave junk
same here, i love fruit and salad, but I love crisps and fast food too.
I prefer healthy food to junk food but we don't always get what we want.
Healthy food.
I love my healthy food, it makes me feel good, but who doesn't love a bit of "junk" thrown in once in a while.. popcorn or chocolate? Hey, we are human...
yeah its good to have a balance between the two.
But a balance is 50/50 ..
i try to keep balanced about it.. but i tend to go more for the junk food..espcially on lazy days.
i like to cook my own food the problem with some `junk` food there could litterally be JUNK in it.
I like both junk food and healthy food.
because it makes me feel happy
Junk everytime - tastes much better cos of all the fat!! YUM
I admit that I am a really bad girl and I LOVE junk food from anything chocolate to a bag full of cheetos,I love all forms of junk food! ;-) I really try to eat healthy but sometimes a carrot stick or celery stick just doesn't sound as good as a nice chocolate candy bar or a bag of chips does! ;-)