Do you have a favourite recipe book you can recommend?!
Answers: Or (like me), do you use pages torn from magazines?
'The Joy Of Cooking' is a very nice cookbook.
'The Settlement Cookbook' is even more of a classic, a book written early in the 20th Century. They tell you how to build a fire to roast beef in, how to butcher a hog and make soap, how to use ice for refrigeration. All the basics one would need to do 100 years ago or if one was creating a kitchen from scratch.
There a many good books relating to cooking, but 'The Settlement Cookbook' makes for better reading!
Besides pulling recipes from lots of places like you do, I often refer to my Better Homes & Garden cookbook as well as Joy of Cooking.
I really like the Joy of Cooking book. It has tons of easy to follow recipes for any kind of food you would want to prepare. I mostly use it for baking desserts and such, but it has recipes for all meals.
Try "The New Best Recipe" cookbook from Cooks Illustrated
I have been cooking ever since I was about 10 years old,and I have always loved the,"Better Homes and Garden,"cookbooks the best because even a beginning cook can understand and cook the dishes that are in that book. Other cookbooks tend to use cooking terms that only an experienced cook would know and understand. I still have my mom's Better Homes and Garden cookbook that she got as a wedding gift in 1971,and I still cook alot of the dishes that are in that cookbook because it is really good comfort foods!