Is it a fruit or vegetable?!

Question: bit confused about this product are nuts fruit or vegetables as some grow on trees and some grow underground many thanks x

Answers: bit confused about this product are nuts fruit or vegetables as some grow on trees and some grow underground many thanks x

Peanuts are part of the legume family. They are a type of bean. Most other nuts are the seeds of the plant/ tree/bush that they grow on.


me think they are fruits


what product is that?

Depend. I think peanuts are legumes or beans, something like that. The others are seeds. So, I say neither.

you haven't said what it is - fruit/veg sometimes confusing but only in fine details - eg. tomato is a fruit and banana is officially a berry but a blackberry isn't

Hmm... Id say fruit.

Nuts are fruit They are the seed from which new plants will grow...

The term "nut" is actually not the easiest to define because it depends on what exactly you're talking about. Nuts can either be seeds or fruits. The botanical definition of a nut is a dry fruit with usually one seed and the wall of it usually becomes hard when it matures.

On Wikipedia, it says:
Almond is the edible seed of a drupe — the leathery "flesh" is removed at harvest.
Brazil nut is the seed from a capsule.
Candlenut (used for oil) is a seed.
Cashew nut is a seed.
Coconut is a dry, fibrous drupe.
Horse-chestnut is an inedible capsule.
Macadamia nut is a creamy white kernel (Macadamia integrifolia).
Peanut is a legume and a seed.
Pine nut is the seed of several species of pine (coniferous trees).
Pistachio nut is the seed of a thin-shelled drupe

Being nuts they fall into the FRUIT category as quite clearly they are not vegetables.

A nut in botany is a simple dry fruit with one seed (rarely two) in which the ovary wall becomes very hard (stony or woody) at maturity, and where the seed remains unattached or unfused with the ovary wall. Most nuts come from pistils with inferior ovaries (see flower) and all are indehiscent (not opening at maturity). True nuts are produced, for example, by some plants — families of the order Fagales.

You are nuts, you fruit. Who cares? If you are not allergic, eat the crap out em'

From a non culinary point of view...

A fruit is a fleshy thing that contains the seeds. Banana, apple, TOMATO, grape.

A vegetable is some other part of a plant like a stem, root of leaf. Like potato, celery, lettuce.

A nut is like a fruit in some ways but it actually is a seed covered by some kind of protective shell.

They are their own thing.

Peanuts are just weird, I don't understand why they grow underground. Hope someone can tell us.


Your question is not very clear, but if you're talking about peanuts, they're not nuts, they're legumes.

To be honest it doesn't matter very much what they are, e.g. a tomato is a fruit, but there's no way I'll put it in my fruit salad, lol.

This might help....

Nuts are dry fruit.

I think they are classed as legumes.

I believe peanuts are a legume.

I think they're considered to be a dfuit....certainly not a vegetable!

i fink ull find its a fruit x

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