Has anyone eaten cheese curds?!
Answers: We traveled to Wisconsin for many years to a family farm. On the way home we would always stop to buy cheese to take back home. One of my favorites was cheese curds. They were were so good. Some were white and some were yellow. I wasn't sure if it was the type of cheese or the process that was the diffence in color. I know they are delicious eating them as a snack. Sometimes I would dip them in batter and deep fry them.
I love them!!! There is a place here in Missouri called the Osceola cheese factory, they have some amazing cheeses but we never go there without getting a few bags of the cheese curds.....they are appropriately named..."Squeeky Clean Cheese Curds" ...LOL and they are DELICIOUS!!!
cheese curds are just pieces of cheese that are funny shapes. that's all.
thats so funny b/c I just finished eating some and then saw this post.
no, they sound kinda nasty. although i love cheese
Yup, if they were fresh they would of "squeaked" as you chewed on them!!
MMMM i love Cheese curds - the white are mozzarella and the yellow are cheddar. they taste best when they are fried!!
Yes I love cheese curds especially at the Minnesota State Fair!
Ohhh... Yummmm... Every time my family goes to New York we stop at a cheese factory there in this little town to get some. They are delicious!!!!
omg so good!!
I moved to Wisconsin about a year ago and one of my coworkers brought some in for me to try. I am a cheese lover, but I don't think I'll be eating them all of the time. They're not bad, but something about the name is gross. "Curd" sounds like something that should just not be eaten.
many years ago (I was about 12) I stayed with an aunt near a farm on the edge of a forest. One day my friend D and I raided his own aunt's cool box and we sat on top of the chicken house eating the curds, He so obviously enjoyed his that I made myself eat mine although I didn't like it much. Later we were both very sick. Turned out they had gone off and were due to be thrown away. I don't know about D but I was off cheese for ages after and even now the thought of curds give me the shudders. Yet I love Mozzarella and Feta cheese how weird is that? It is because I think of them as cheese rather than curds or something like that perhaps?