Why is it wrong to refreeze food (eg a frozen pizza) that has been allowed to thaw.?!
Answers: Is it dangerous? I took out a pizza in order to get at something underneath it. I forgot to put it back for a few hours and it thawed.I re-froze it when I realized but someone told me it was dangerous..why? Would the second freezing not do the same job as the original?
If you purchase previously frozen meat, poultry or fish at a retail store, you can refreeze if it has been handled properly.
that was stated on the website below..so refreezing something that has been defrosted (pizza)is something that I do and I'm still here and never have gotten sick from doing so. Go to the webpage for more info about food safety.
Its something to do with bacteria. Not sure why! But if you freeze it again your freezing a dodgy item because when it thaws again it could give you food poisening. I dont have a clue why this would be?!
The idea that bacteria in the food will start to multiply when thawed. Freezing doesn't kill bacteria - it just suspends its progress. Having said that a lot of food contains so many preservatives these days that you will probably be ok re-freezing a pizza. You can always cook the food and then freeze it again
your not supposed to re-freeze as bacteria enter the pizza when it thaws, then when you re-thaw and cook the bacteria that enetered the 1st time, get cooked into the pizza, leaving it dangerous with a risk of food poisening.
Never re-freeze food once it has started to thaw.
A simple answer is - Food poisoning bacteria multiply as food gets warmer and much more quickly at blood/optimum temperature. As food, particularly meats, thaw and get warmer the bacteria multiply. As they cool some die off but there will be more than there were in the first place. Each time you go through the temperature scale you will get an increase.
it's because of bacteria.
I think ye are aff the hook wi' a pizza, but don't try it with any meaty or fishy stuff.The wee germs will be divin' aboot guid style!!!! If ye thaw oot a meaty or fishy thing, make sure ye ye howf it back in tae the freezer. Then ye will huv killed all the wee germs. Guid luck!!!!
All to do with bacteria
Depends, are you a student???
Are you that broke you cant just buy another pizza?