Okay or not for breakfast?!
Answers: trying to eat more apples a day, so had two medium apples a serving of pistachios, and two cups of steamed brccoli seasoned. Is this healthy or not?
I'll say its healthy
All of those items rank highly on the food pyramid! ;-)=
would miss out the nuts if you are trying to lose weight
but its all healthy stuff
all the best
Yes, that is very healthy. The apples and broccoli are very good fruit/veggie servings. The nuts provide protein and "good" fat.
i think it is pretty healthy
*rub Magic 8 Ball* All signs point to yes. It is a very healthy meal. Only problem could be the seasoning on the brocolli, a lot of seasonings are high sodium. But other than that it's A-OK
its all fruits n veggies of course its healthy