Which id better pie or cake?!
Answers: survey, i personnally say pie
Wow...that's a hard one. Can I have a slice of both?
I like pie a little better since you can use ingredients without worrying about spilling, etc. Like strawberry pie, bluebery pie. Can't really do that in cake. Plus you have the yummy crust.
I think just about any flavor cake can be made into a pie.
Depends what kind..but I'm a fan of pumpkin pie. :)
I love pie (cherry, apple, pumkpin) but this time I have to say cake.
The one that is in the house!
When made correctly, they are both orgasmic.
Pie!!! when I was little my Grandma would let me "smash" a cake to look like a pie...she would tell every one "Amy" likes pie better! I know, I was SPOILED!
definitly cake....but then again i am an cake baker/decorator, so of course i would say cake.
I`d prefer cake
Key lime pie.