What leaves and berries can i?!
Answers: eat from the country side to save money at the shops
if you live in my part of cheshire- come to my allotment and get some berries! There arer usually loads of damsons and black berries, though u may need to wait til next year.
Sorry this isn't an answer but i just had to say how much i love the question and then noticed you too are in cheshire! So i hope u will get some good answers and i wil check back to see if you have- as i will be interested too! Feel a bit of a cheat to be getting points for this non- answer!!
try this link for wild man foods there is loads of information on there
You left it a bit late. Haws, hips and sloes are still abundant. Leaves bitter-cress, nettles and lots more.
grass and conkers
raspberies o yea. and whaever else you can find. just make sure you have the hospital on speed dial