Uhhh....what do i drink/eat?!?!
u better be happy. cough cough.
Answers: What do you eat/drink when you have bowel problems?
u better be happy. cough cough.
What to eat:
Fresh Fruits
Fresh Vegetables
Anything with fiber in it cereals,fruit,veggies,etc..
Oatmeal mixed with your favorite fruits such as applesauce,peaches,etc..
Raisin Bran
The best things to drink:
Water the more water you drink,the less constipated you will be
Fresh Fruit Juices especially apple juice! ;-)
Vegetable Juices
BRAT diet...bananas, rice, applesauce, toast (or tea)
Stay away from dairy products and things like broccoli
Ok, if your constipated eat:
Prunes, asparagus, spinach, fleet product.
Ok, if your dropping stool before you can call even call it stool:
Mylanta, cheese, bread,pasta.
Uhh pepto bismol??
I think so. .
=) baha
Haha. Well...I would take laxatives.
ummm vegies.. or something with good nutrition.